
Holiday Dinner Decor Ideas

Don't laugh, but I have something to confess.
I'm going hog-Inspiration-Board-wild.
 I'm busting these things out for ev.ery.thin.g. these days. They just make life so much easier, you know? I look at a bunch of photos and pictures online, narrow down my preferences, and put them together in an (ahem) inspiring collage.
I'm in charge of a large holiday dinner party in two weeks. My friend Amanda and I brainstormed a zillion (or, at the very least, ten) ideas for what we wanted to do decor-wise on a teensy tiny budget. She's a genius. I love having stylish and genius friends.
It's not to be taken verbatim, of course, but the following is an inspiration board I've put together as a result of our planning session:
Heavy on the red, white, and gold/yellow color palette.
Heavy on simplicity and visual impact.
Light on budget.
What's your favorite holiday party color scheme?

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