
Greek Key: It's in the Details

Hey friends! I hope your Christmas was lovely and relaxing and joyous and magical and everything good. In fact, I hope you're still in celebration mode, which for me would mean I'm in jammies and sipping hot cocoa, even if (esPESHially if) it's 4 p.m.
I've been thinking about details in home decor lately. Small things that most people probably won't see or notice but that make a difference to me. Sometimes I get caught up in working on major projects that have an immediate impact. Which, don't get me wrong, is important. But life - and home decor - is in the details, don't you think?
During this holiday time, I've been focusing on doing detail-oriented projects around here. Not huge life-changing stuff, but rather things that just polish up the edges a little bit.
(And, bonus, doing this kind of project usually takes a few minutes rather than hours or days...equaling more time spent with my loved ones and/or unconsciously drooling on my pillow...)
Here's what I've been thinking about of late:
(I love ev.ery.thin.g. about the space in the photo above. Well, except the fact that it doesn't belong to me. That's annoying. But everything else I just love.)
(Oh my gosh, really and truly, HOW can I get a greek key-edged throw like this? This is beyond magnificent. Love to the nth degree.)
Aren't these spaces touched with Greek key details inspiring? Love them. So much so, in fact, that I've added a little sum'in sum'in to my own dining room drapes.

I like it so much I even ironed the drapes to look nicer. And to illustrate how huge that is, let me share with you this little story:

Once upon a time a few months ago, my children saw my iron tucked away in the top of an old closet. "Mom! What's that?!?!" they cried.
The end.

Needless to say, there's not a huge amount of ironing going on around here. But for these drapes: yes.


  1. My iron bit the dust last summer. Haven't touched one for months. It's the worst job. Ev.

    1. TOTALLY. The worst. I'd do dishes for an hour rather than iron a shirt.

  2. We use the iron to heat up previously mentioned hot cocoa ... what's this about shirts, do you say?

    1. Just something I read on the Internet. Lies, probably. :)
