
Settees & Mattress Ticking

Living room.
Speaking of living room furniture... (Hey, sometimes a girl's gotta create her own segue.)
I've been looking for a settee for the living room for awhile now. Any old kind would do, frankly, as long as it had an exposed wood frame and one of those middle front legs. (Which is coming uncomfortably close to when I say, "Oh, I don't care what I have for dessert, as long as it's m&ms with peanuts inside." Heh.)

No middle front leg on this one, but it's striking nonetheless with that massively tall back, no?

Good news! I found a super high quality vintage one online for next to nothing, in all it's ugly sage-and-khaki upholstered glory. My husband and I love the dark wood frame, though, which is in great shape.
I originally wanted a curvilicious one, with tons of French curves everywhere, but I'm really liking the straighter lines of this one. Seems to fit our home better.
I put it in the living room to enjoy until my fabric arrives. Because it's waaaay comfy. But when that fabric arrives, it's hard core furniture reupholstery time at the Smart household. Complete with lots of piping and zippers. Blugh.
The fabric I'm using? Mattress ticking. Because I've wanted to do something with this fabric for a long long time, because it's earthy and vintagey and warm and neutral, and because I drool a little when I see it on furniture:

So, yeah. 25 yards of the real-deal heavy-duty fabric are on their way to my house. I'm alternately ecstatic and exhausted thinking about the upcoming project.
Wish me luck?


  1. I'm wishing you all the luck in the world but seriously?
    I don't think you need it at all - I cannot wait to see this - it's going to be gorgeous!
    I'm in love with that first one too!
    Now excuse me - I have to pin all of these on to my " settees " board!
    Have a great wknd!

  2. Can't wait to see the finished project - what a beautiful fabric, I'm sure it will turn out lovely!
