
Signazon and a Fake 90th Birthday Bash

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Have you guys ever heard of Signazon? They're a customer-focused printing company that, although large, focuses on the details of each customer and every individual order to get it perfect.
The guys (and ladies) at Signazon don't just do business cards and photocopies. (Not that there's anything wrong with entities who DO do just those things, of course.) They provide a wide variety of printing-related products and services.

Here's just a glimpse of what Signazon does:
Custom Banners. I love this option. Do you have an annual holiday party that needs a little sprucing up in the décor department? (I'm looking at you, Christmas Sweater Party hosts) or a welcome home gathering in the not-so-distant future? Custom banners are great for a quick, bold statement and for outdoor use (especially if you live somewhere where inclement weather is a consideration for outdoor décor destruction...which, if you don't, please tell me where you live so I can move there).
StationeryMy knee-jerk reaction to custom stationery and letterhead is that they belong at an office. But I was at a neighbor's house the other day, and she had a stack of personalized stationery with her name on it on her home office desk. I found it adorable, and admit to a) coveting it and b) considering changing my name to be hers, if only for a week or two, so I could use her stationery. There's something awesomely personal about writing on paper that's designed to be uniquely your own.
Invitations. You guys (ladies) who come to this blog are an inspiringly creative, talented, and party-licious bunch. Which is why I think you might be interested in learning about Signazon's custom invitations. Doesn't the thought of having someone else do the invitations make your next party To-Do list breathe a sigh of momentary relief? There are so many options - the sky is virtually the limit here - this is a great feature.
Wedding Banners. Have you ever driven around a city trying to find a wedding and/or reception but been unsure whether or not the parked cars you see are an indication of your destination or if they're parked there for something else altogether and you would feel like a fool heading into what you thought would be a small garden wedding that turns out to be Vern & Ruby's 90th birthday bash, complete with amped up Billie Holiday and spiked Metamucil? (Note: Vern and Ruby are, in this instance, fictional characters invented to make my point. Not that I wouldn't wish anyone a happy 90th, of course. In fact, just in case: Happy Birthday, Vern! You too, Ruby.) But I digress. What I'm trying to say is that having a wedding banner to announce the festivities' location is not only helpful for out-of-town guests, but it's just plain fun. Plus, the newlyweds can take it do decorate their barren new living room walls (yep). Win-win.
 I hope you all check out Signazon for your everyday (and not-so-everyday) printing needs. (I'm especially looking at you, Vern & Ruby.) 
This post is sponsored by All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

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