
Front Door Wreath: Fastest DIY in the West

Ever get in the mood to do a genuinely fast, genuinely easy DIY? And, bonus, it makes your kids happy? Awesome. Then this post is for you.
So, my kids noticed our turkey front-door thing still up (a week after Thanksgiving) and requested, strongly, a change to something Christmasy.
I searched through boxes stuffed with holiday decor, but I couldn't find anything suitable for the front door. (I did, however, find a sock that I'd been missing for the past year. Yay...?) The closest thing I could muster up was this tired old faded old nasty old wreath.
It wasn't great (understatement), but it would have to do. Because, y'know, we're looking for fast and easy here. And let's just throw in free, too.
Busted out my BFF spray paint. White. I was going to do some kind of ombre-gold action on the wreath, but come to find out my gold spray paint was all used up.

So I improvised. I found some simple red grosgrain ribbon and wrapped it around, kind of like peppermint. Because I for one love peppermint. Eating that stuff is like brushing your teeth, 'cept without the brushing. And if that's not a win-win, I don't know what is.

We had Scouts and ballet and dinner and an important Memory game with my 4-year-old all happening within about 30 minutes of each other. Didn't even have time to warm up the hot glue gun, so I pulled out the stapler. Because I'm classy like that.

Viola. A festive peppermint wreath, not a turkey, now adorns our front door.

Bring on the holidays, fruitcake and all. Me & my spray paint: We're officially ready.
Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by.

Ask Anna


  1. Anonymous11/30/2012

    Hi there, I read your blogs daily. Your writing style is witty, keep it up!
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  2. love it. I never would have thought to spray paint it but now I'm wondering what I have in my "Not using this year" pile I could change up with that wonder product. :D Thanks for the idea and for sharing on BeColorful.

    1. Oh man, spray paint has transformed my life...and the "lives" of many a castoff item around here. Do it! Spray away! The hardest part, though, is finding a good (translation: warm + dry) day to do it in the winter.

  3. I love this wreath. So Pretty.

    1. Thanks, Debi! It does the job and gives the turkey door-hanging the month off, so that's something. :)

  4. So clever! I love the wintery feel the spray paint gave your wreath. Adorable!

    1. That's a great way to put it, Chelsea. "Wintery." Good word. Thanks for the sweet comment!

  5. So funny! I did a wreath redo this year, too! Isn't it amazing what a few minutes and a little creativity will do? Love your new wreath!

  6. So funny! I did a wreath redo this year, too! Isn't it amazing what a few minutes and a little creativity will do? Love your new wreath!

  7. Love that this only took a few minutes, it turned out great. That red really pops against the white wreath, looks great!

  8. Love it!
