
DIY Elfy-Felty Stockings

We don't have a fancy Christmas scheme around here. Don't get me wrong, a coordinated decked Christmas hall is beautiful...but it's just not what my family is about right now. To each our own, right?
I made some stockings out of felt a bit ago. I like the whimsy and elfishness of the shape and the bright colors on each one.
They're not perfect, as I don't claim to be an expert embroiderist. Or even an amateur one, for that matter. But if you like them and want to make something similar and end up using these for ideas and they bring you joy like they've done for my family, well, then, Merry Christmas to us all.
Oh, and the toes are reinforced with wire and cardboard because, turns out, the elfish point doesn't exactly adhere to the laws of gravity on its own. And I wanted the elfish point above all -- that's my favorite part about these puppies!



  1. These are very nice, adorable!

    Thank you for sharing at the Creative Blog.

    Have a good day, Nancy

  2. Anonymous12/05/2012

    All your stockings are very cute!

    Submarine Sunday Link Party

    1. They were fun to design and make, for sure T'onna. I love how you can do pretty much anything with felt, such bright bold colors. Thanks!

  3. oh these are so so cute!! Thank you so much for sharing this idea on Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings

    1. I'm glad you like them, Kristen. They're among my kids' very favorite Christmas decorations to pull out. Sweet victory. :)
