
"Plum" they told me. "Plu-plu-plu-plu plummmm"

It's been a crazy morning. In fact, I just went to the fridge and reached for a can of one of my favorite beverages (Minute Maid light lemonade). Then I paused, shook my head, and thought to myself, "No. I need something stronger." And I grabbed a can of that instead.
Here's to you, black cherry citrus Fresca.
True story.
Speaking of black cherry-ness, I am loving plum hues in interiors lately.
(What? It's a great segue. They're both purple fruits, right?) 
(Just roll with it.) 
Like these:
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I am dying over this Madeline Weinrib Purple Luce ikat fabric. And, frankly, everything about this setup. Good grief. Love.
To be honest, I don't know if plum is "in" or "out" or what. Somewhere I heard that emerald green is coming "in." I guess I don't really care what someone else dubs a color...if I like it, I like it!
(Which is unfortunate for the overdramatic and overdone navy-burgundy-forest-green trio of my youth. I don't think I will ever like the combo.)


  1. Love that last photo. May need to recreate it in my bedroom. Love plum.

    1. I know, right? I want to blow it up and hang it on my wall. That could count as decorating, right? Like, basically the same thing to have a photo as to have the actual space? Please pretty please? (Because, hello, way easier.)

  2. I totally remember the burgundy/green thing. Funny thing is, I don't think I ever hear anyone use the color name "burgundy" anymore but they use to a lot!

    1. P.S. I do love purple! It is one of our main colors in the downstairs living areas!

    2. I'm' loving purps more and more as well. Which means one of two things: (1) purple is just a great color that I overlooked, or (2) I'm becoming my grandmother in my 30s. Sadly, neither scenario is too far-fetched...

  3. Oh, wow - love the purple! Now I want to go buy purple fabric for throw pillows and maybe another living room quilt. Or maybe I could try some seat cushions for our dining chairs. Or maybe just some hot pads...I want purple!
