
Cabin Love & a Vintage Desk

I'm a few days late, but this past weekend was a magical one for our family. Nothing earth-shattering happened, but because our kids had a 4-day weekend and my husband Paul got Monday off, we had lots of family time.
Much of it was spent at this little slice of heaven up the canyon:
At the cabin, we read, watched movies, cozied up by the fire, went extreme sledding and exploring outside, colored, drank hot cocoa, watched the river and woods through binocs, and maintained a solid and impenetrable Zone Defense in keeping Violet away from the hot fireplace. If that's not heaven on earth, I don't know what is.

You know how all cabins have interesting (often old, but new-to-you) things to read? Carson found and got sucked into Kipling's The Jungle Book about 3 minutes after arriving. I love his love of reading.

Anyway. Since getting back home, rather than frantically trying to get something squared away for this blog today, I've done mountains of laundry, made cookies for the kiddos (tried a new recipe rather than my delicious tried-and-true standby...bad idea), cleaned house, exercised (twice!), and snagged this beauty of an antique double-desk for the girls' room:
(Photo from online posting.)
It's (almost) exACTly what I've been searching for! (Not that this setup wasn't genius, of course.) (*cough*)
Sturdy and vintage and fits my two busy-creatives and practically perfect in every way. The deep aquaish color in this photo doesn't do it justice; the real color is perfect and with the great patina of age and use.
And the most amazing part is that there is nary a speck of fingernail polish to be seen on this puppy. Which, if you ask me, is nothing short of a modern-day miracle.
So, yes. It's bound to be a good fit for the girls and their bedroom, I can feel it in my Insanity-workout-brutalized bones.
Happy Wednesday.


  1. I can't wait to see what you do with this desk - is it mid century?
    The legs look like it but I've never seen on like it before - how perfect for 2 girls - they even get one drawer each!!!

    1. I'm so in love with this desk, I can't hardly stand it, Suzan. Seriously, it's exactly what I was envisioning, even though I'd never seen one like this before, either.
      Fate, how I love you! :)

  2. What a cool desk! I've never seen anything like it before!

  3. Anonymous2/21/2013

    Sounds like a PERFECT weekend! I want to escape to a cabin in the snow!

    1. It was perfect indeed. I wanna go back, too!
