
about me

Hey! I'm Brittney. Welcome to my blog.
A little about myself: I'm a wife, a mom, a runner, a writer-editor, and a lover of spray paint and beautiful things.
These five individuals (below) are my world, utterly and completely:

I see myself as pretty average in most areas. Except making mac & cheese from a box, wherein my super-talents lie. "The best mac & cheese cooker EVER," my kids once believed, until they recently decided that their aunt was better. Blast. There goes that.

But I AM creative. And I'm easily inspired. I've got lots of dreams...and I look forward to sharing them with you here. 

I started this simple blog to document my journey as I admire others' and discover my own style.
And also to have a valid excuse for not doing stuff like laundry and making dinner.
Here you'll find projects, musings, inspirations, dreams, failures, and wins. I'm no expert. But I'm fun! Sometimes. And only mildly sarcastic. So. Join me, come back often. With friends and/or cookies.


p.s. Repurposing Stuff 101: Are they pants or a hat? You be the judge.



  1. Hi Brittney, I'm visiting from 30 Handmade Days. What an adorable little one, and the rabbit ears hat is to die for :D Really, though...very adorable. I'll like you on FB and if you visit Maddalee, there are quite a few fun things for kids and their moms.

    Have a good day,


    1. Haha! Thanks, Nancy. Because taking off an infant's pants and forcing her to wear them as a sunshade on her head is evidence that her parents care. :)
      Looking forward to visiting you, thanks for the heads-up!

  2. Hi Brittney,
    Nice to get to know a little bit about you! I saw you on the 30 Handmade Days link party and recognized you from a comment you posted on my blog the other day! I can't imagine living 45 miles from Target - they just opened one about a mile from our house - but I guess you probably save a lot of $! :)

    1. I know, Target is a beautifully evil thing, isn't it? Can't get enough of that store. My husband doesn't understand the difference between Walmart & Target...I simply pat the poor dear's hand and kiss his head. Some things just can't be explained. :)

  3. Hi Britney! Thanks for linking up to my special About Me Pity Party last week. I loved reading about you! I'm with Cathy- can't imagine living 45 miles from Target. We have two within 10 minutes of each other here. :) I admire your DIY skills.

  4. Hi! Britaney! I was wondering where you got the vinyl for your chore charts? I am a teacher andwould love to make some charts for my classroom
