
Bedroom Makeover: Large Bookshelves

Guest Bedroom Makeover
Day 5: Beautifying Large Bookshelves (or "How to Back your Shelves with Fabric")

**Note: This is part of a 12-step bedroom makeover series. Find the previous steps at the bottom of this post.**
Sometimes I do a tutorial and then, at the end, I'm like, "Was that really necessary?" This is one of those times. Probably any and all of you could easily add fabric backing to your Ikea billy bookcases without blinking an eye and/or reading this post.
(I'm comfortable in encouraging you to do a very looooong blink as you scroll through this thing. See ya at the bottom!)
What, still here? Okay, well, I took the photos and even added grammatically inconsistent statements onto them, so here they are. Cluttering up cyberwaves that could be used sharing important info about, say, global warming. Sorry polar bears. I owe you one.
I laid the newly removed bookshelf back on the floor, face-up, with my fabric ready to go on top of it. Worked in about 2' sections, spraying adhesive and then laying the fabric on top of the sprayed area and smoothing it out.
You should try to end up with 1-2 inches of fabric overhang on all sides, if possible. (I didn't do this and learned the hard way...thus passing my newfound knowledge onto you and making this tutorial TOTALLY helpful and relevant. Yesss!)
Folding over the fabric edges, you could either spray-adhese or tape them to the back simply pull them taut once your back is slid onto the bookshelf frame. Because my fabric overhang was so bite-size, I taped occasionally as I slid the back into the slits.
(That last step would be pretty easy or maybe even unnecessary altogether if you left enough fabric to grip and pull taut from the back. Like I didn't.)
 Anyways. Into the bedroom she goes. It's a girl now. Because of the flowers. (Fabric: Richloom Hathaway Damask Upholstery Fabric in Horizon, from here.)
I literally just threw stuff that I had on-hand up here. I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible in this space and not overdo it on decor. (Obv.) However, I will likely switch things up a lot on these shelves before I'm satisfied.
Clean towels and washcloths are at the ready. Because it's a guest bedroom, and there's nothing worse than being a guest somewhere and having no clean towels at your disposal...
...except maybe having no toothbrush at your disposal. That's probably worse.
 Come back for Day 6: Anthropologie-Inspired Curtains. These are awesomeness incarnate, if I may say so.
Check out the previous steps to this bedroom makeover:
Day 2: Paint Walls


  1. Wow, you make it look easy. I need to try this, so thank you for sharing. I'm visiting from Craft-O-Maniac.

    1. I will admit was pretty easy. As much as I would like to pretend otherwise, because that would make me seem more awesome. :) Thanks, Christy.

  2. Anonymous1/14/2013

    Love this! Your fabric choice is awesome, it's bold but also neutral in color. The post makes this look so easy. I found this post through the DIY Showoff link-up.

    1. I'm kind of a sucker for a minimalist floral. This one fit the bill.

  3. Beautiful! I am really enjoying following your progress! You have a knack for this :)

    PaperFinch Design

    1. Amy, this comment has been floating around in my head for two days now. When I start to get discouraged about something, I literally will think to myself, "I have a knack for it. Amy said so." Thank you, you sweet thing.

  4. You made it so easy and I'm glad you showed the tutorial.....I'd be the one trying to measure, cut and glue the fabric on while the back was still attached. Your way - so much easier! :)

    1. Haha! Yeah right, Ali. The only problem with the tute is that not all bookshelves have removeable backs, in which case, you'd have to do it the hard way. Bless you, Ikea. Bless you.

  5. WOW! Love the fabric... nice work! Thanks for linking up to Monday Funday!

    1. Thank you, Jamie! I fell in love with it online and was a little nervous (you know how sometimes things are different in person than what's on your screen), but it didn't disappoint.

  6. Simple but wonderful way of customising a basic bookcase! I love it!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

    1. I do love simplicity, Jill. Thanks.

  7. Thank you for sharing this idea and tutorial. I would have tried to cover the back from the front, much harder.
