
Guest Bedroom SOS

A few months back, I experienced a Master Bedroom SOS. The bedroom was made over in a 12-step process, and we think it's lovely now.
Fast forward to right now, and put on your metaphor-interpreting thinking cap, kay?

Here goes: Our master bedroom was like a seacaptain who ran aground on a paradise island but was missing his wife & kids so he let out the distress signal with neat smoke circles and was promptly rescued.

Our GUEST bedroom, then, is like a bearded, grimy dude who has lived alone on a poisonous-snake- and warthog-infested nuclear testing ground island for 6 years with only a scalpel and a jar of Gak to keep him alive and is trying to send an SOS signal but has lost the power of speech and so just makes constant honking noises with the back of his throat.
(Yes, warthogs. Because they're gross and scary.)
I'll let the photos do the talking from now on. Here's our (embarrassing) jumping-off point for the guest bedroom makeover:
From the doorway:
From the closet:
Let's take a closer look at those bookshelves, shall we? Wow.

Other side of the bed: (Don't be jealous of our guests' 24/7 access to that big-screen TV-plus-VHS action.)

Annnnd the closet:

I know it's hard to imagine being able to improve this at all...
Stay tuned.

(Addendum: See the final result of the bedroom makeover here.)


  1. While the room is scary, that green quilt is adorable!

    1. Oh my gosh, thanks! I made that in high school...a decade and a half ago...and never finished it. It's just the top layer, no actual quilt.

  2. What are you going to do? It is perfect! ;) I have to admit I'm super curious about what is underneath that quilt!!! Spill it!

    1. Hah! Yes, makes you want to come be a guest at my house, doesn't it.
      And now you're making me wish I had something cool and secretive under the quilt like...I don't even know what. Alas, it's merely a box spring holding up three foam pads from camping. Because we're classy like that.

  3. I am seriously excited about this make over because whoa. It's functional now but let's see you add pretty!

  4. A. Finish that quilt! Or send it to me and I'll finish it for you! I love the simple piecing and colors - very scrappy! B. Your metaphor is hilarious.

    1. I know. I need to do something with it. I hate half-done projects. Usually I'm pretty good at finishing stuff off before I start something new, but...apparently not that good. :)

  5. I enjoyed seeing this and it makes me glad that my place isn't the only house that is a wreck type deal. I can't wait to see the finished product.

    1. Oh yeah, it's a wreck. MAJOR. That's just what happens when your house is short on storage and, let's face it, doesn't see that many overnight guests. But fix it I will. It won't be Martha-esque, but it'll be an improvement. I hope.

    2. Do your kids share rooms and you have a guest room? Growing up we never had a guest room. Even at the one point my brothers shared a room the 4th bedroom didn't have a bed in it. (My brothers started to share a room officially because every single night my younger brother climbed out of his crib and would go sleep in my older brother's room so my parents figured might as well officially share a room.)

      Does your house have a basement? I recently moved to California and no houses around here have basements and I can't take it. Where do people store their junk? Well I guess I know why everyone keeps their cars parked in their driveway.... because their garage is full of junk.

  6. Anonymous1/07/2013

    Your metaphor had me on the edge of my seat. Alas, at my house it is the opposite. Our guestroom was alright... but the master is a disaster! Guess which one I started renovating first? The guestroom! It's mostly because I wanted to practice before tackling the more important one. I'm in the middle of the guestroom and have already wandered off to the kitchen for a few projects. Haha!


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