
Girls Bedroom Makeover

Happy day-after-Halloween. I hope you've stolen and eaten as much of your kids candy as I have. Because then we can be sick to our stomachs together...
You've been waiting with bated breath, I can tell. Sleepless nights, trouble concentrating, unexplained fidgeting. It's finally here. The (semi)makeover of my daughters' bedroom.
Here's the thing. I liked my girls' bedroom before. It was cute, with the matching twin beds and everything. But there was just not enough space, and the ladies were begging for bunk beds. So we obliged, and they couldn't be happier. Which, I'm not going to lie, is totally rewarding.
(My apologies in advance for the odd lighting going on in these photos.)
Here's the view from the doorway:
We moved the twin bed that previously lived under the window and put their desk, which previously stuck out into the doorway, in its place. There's nothing like sitting at a desk and daydreaming out the window, I tell you.
But I digress. Here's a view of the closet and wall directly to your right if you're entering the room. The closet doors have been removed for ages, since they kept coming off their track. I had a spare curtain and so moved the old curtain rod to the closet and hung a fabric closet door. It's open here just for your viewing entertainment. You're welcome.
Four double hooks on the wall have been a huge help already. My daughters somehow have come to own a huge assortment of bags, which previously found homes on the floor because there was no place to put them. It's much easier to keep things clean when there's a place for stuff. (I'm still looking for the perfect large yet minimalist piece of art for the wall above the hooks. Will find it eventually, but for now, the wall itself is the art. Yep.)

Rounding the corner of the hook wall is the newly facelifted Hemnes dresser. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I LOVE this cherry blossom decal. So simple, fresh, and pretty. (Unlike the top of the dresser, but we'll address that another day.)

Continuing along the dresser wall is the previously mentioned desk. This thing is vintage and awesome. I recovered two equally vintage chairs (that the girls picked out...can you tell some personality differences? I love it.) with the same closet-covering fabric. Which happens to match the new roman shade. I don't normally match stuff so much, but I just happened to have the fabric, and my daughters like stuff to match. The end of that story.
Turning the corner on the other side of the dresser is the pink monstrosity. It's huge and pink and I kind of make fun of it, but, man, it pulls more than its share of the storage workload around here. Did I ever tell you the story about how we saw this at Ikea almost five years ago on MAJOR clearance, and we bought it knowing full well it was huge and pink because it was a girls' bedroom bookshelf come true.
(I have equally fascinating accounts of most of the furniture in our house, if you'd care to hear them.) (What's that? You wouldn't? There's nothing you'd hate more than hearing me prattle on about the sordid histories of my home's existing inanimate objects? Oh. Okay.)
I suppose I should've organized things a bit for this photo shoot. Minnie Mouse looks like she's dying on that top shelf, there. Dah well.
Here're the bunkbeds. Complete with golden reading lamps and ruched duvet covers I made myself. (My youngest daughter's duvet cover has been washed a bazillion times, including one time accidentally with bleach, so the ombre effect has decreased substantially. Heh.) I actually had an idea for new-and-improved quilts (they would've been so stinking perfect here), but the girls didn't want to part with these yet. I suppose I should be glad, and I suppose I am. Kind of.

And just like that, we've come full-circle. From henceforth, I think this room will be known as The Room That Holds Crazy Amounts of Stuff.

I like how it's finished enough for the girls to enjoy their space, but not so much that I won't be able to poke my grubby little paws into a project or two to continue cleaning things up. I'd love to change out that rug, for starters...

Feel free to check out some more rooms on my ever-evolving house tour.

{shared Chic on a Shoestring Budget, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Fireflies & Jellybeans, Mums Make Lists, My Romantic Home, Remodelaholic, Shabby Nest, Simply Designing, Thrifty Décor Chick, What-About}

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