
Paint Chip Art

I've been dreaming in paint-chip again. And my dreams took me to this point:

 (Yes, I'm aware that that archaic thermostat under the shelf is about the most hideous thing, but it's one "architectural element" of ye ol' house that we just have to live with around here. My goal in general is to distract from it with other stuff.)

It all began a few weeks ago, when I ran across these two beauties from


I loved them both at first sight. One day I hope to buy at least one of them, but for today, I went with a little something I like to call "Inspired Freecreation."
Gathered materials (although I never ended up using the mod podge).

Punched some circles. (Compared to this project, this was cake.)

Got an old piece of particle board, cut it to the size I wanted, covered it with rice paper using this method (you could paint yours if you wanted), and measured out where I wanted the center of each circle.

(Here's my info: 1.5" circle punch, arranged in 6 circles x 11 circles columns/rows, cut particle board to 13"x23", marked first circle center 1.5" in from the top and 1.5" in from the side of the particle board, spaced each dot 2" away thereafter. All of this is from memory, so please double-check the math before you take my word for it.)

Added a small glue dot at each mark and glued the circles down.

Covered the whole thing with weights while it dried. (Encyclopedias. Remember those? Blast from the past, I know.)

Hung it on an existing nail above a shelf in our dining room.

Threw some stuff up on the shelf. Pinecone in a bowl? Sure.

I can't get enough of this wooden bird. One of my favorite pieces in my whole house, found at a yard sale.

And there it sits. Paint chip art.

 Have you used paint chips for anything innovative? I'd love to hear/see!

p.s. I used and recommend this spray adhesive to attach the rice paper to my board:


{shared A Vision to Remember, Be Different Act NormalFinding FabulousFingerprints on the Fridge, Funky Junk InteriorsHouse of Hepworths, I Heart Naptime, Lovely Crafty Home, Nifty Thrifty Things, Or So She Says, Positively Splendid, Serenity Now, Shabby NestSix Sisters' Stuff, The 36th Avenue, WhipperBerry, and other links found here}



  1. I love this! I've been collecting (hoarding?) paint chips for a while but had no idea what to do with them. You've gotten my wheels turning.

    1. Good! It's so fun to browse excellent art and find what resonates with you and be inspired by it. Would love to see what you create (and what inspired the creation) if you do it!

  2. This is so cute!!! I love it!!!! Great blog too. I'm Hanna and I am your newest follower:) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! You can find me at

    xoxoxo Hanna

    1. Thanks, Hanna! This blog is thoroughly enjoyable for me, I'm glad you like it as well.

  3. This came out so cute. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this with everyone. It runs from Wednesday through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  4. That looks great!
    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured your frame to tray project on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 131
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

    1. Thank you, Jill! I love your link party, btw. So many great ideas every week. :) I'm honored.

  5. Now I know what to do with all the 'Mickey' samples my kids think are stickers we get every time we visit Home Depot or Lowes. Looks like we'll be going back more often. :)

  6. This is great! I have many empty walls, might try something similar.

    1. I love how versatile paint chips are. Seriously, Tina, you could totally pull off something you love. Just peruse or for some inspiration!

  7. Darling idea! If you hadn't mentioned the thermostat I wouldn't have noticed! Thanks for linking up the the Adorned From Above Blog Hop! We enjoyed your creative ideas!!

    Joye & Myrna

    1. Dang, I shouldn't have mentioned it then. :) Thanks, Debi...and Joye...or Myrna. :)

  8. That is a beautiful idea! It looks great!

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I love how good art is inspiring on so many levels...and also how paint chips are free. :)

  9. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above
    Joye and Myrna @ The Busy Bee's
    Linda @ With A Blast

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