Best of January 2013

Hey friends!

Can I just pause the bloggity-chat for a minute and publicly express my loathing of the cold, gloomy, iced-over season that is January in Utah? Because...ugh. I have so many projects I want to do, but it is literally too cold to do them. And so I sit eating Ricolas by the fistful as I try to stave off a cough and wait for temps to warm up to the 30s. That's right. I'm wishing for 30s. The End.
So. Here are your favorite SmartGirlStyle posts that went live this month. Actually, I have no idea if they're your favorites or not. Maybe you visited these posts and hated them and angrily spat a fizzy beverage onto your computer screen and then it shorted out and you had to go buy a new one and therefore you'll curse my name until the end of time.
If that is indeed the case, I apologize. Sincerely.
And, hey, your next fizzy bev is on me.
5th most viewed:
4th most viewed:
3rd most viewed:
2nd most viewed:
and the Very Super Duper most viewed January-posted post:
  And, seriously, you guys? Fizzy beverage-spitting or no, thanks for stopping by. I mean it.
Now get out there and live like you're never going to live another 2013 January day again. Because, frankly, you ain't.
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